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Bounce Ball

This activity can be as long or as short as you want, but it took us about 15 minutes. Suitable for all ages.

a family playing spoons together

Bounce Ball

This week's family night activity is a classic fast paced card game. It is best played with 4-8 people but you can play with less or more if needed.

What You Will Need:

First things first, gather your players! If you are playing the actual purchased game like us, it can accommodate up to 4 players. If you are going the more creative route and playing without that then you can probably do more.

How To Play (the purchased game):

Now, let's dive into the rules:

  1. Draw a card: Each card has a unique design

  2. Bounce ball repeat: The ball must bounce at least once before going into the tray. If you use all your balls, take one out of the tray and keep going until someone has completed the design on the card.

  3. Match the card: Line up the balls of your color in the tray to match the design on the card.

  4. Grab card: If you are the first to match the card, take the card and start over. Keep going until someone has won 3 cards.

How To Play (without the game):

Now, let's dive into the rules:

  1. Create cards: Write out a couple different patterns on some flash cards

  2. Solo cups: Lineup a bunch of solo cups in a grid pattern

  3. Bounce ball repeat: The ball must bounce at least once before going into one of the solo cups. If you use all your balls, take one out of the solo cups and keep going until someone has completed the design on the card.

  4. Match the card: Line up the balls of your color in the solo cups to match the design on the card.

  5. Grab card: If you are the first to match the card, take the card and start over. Keep going until someone has won 3 cards.

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